Troubleshooting Guide for Dental Scaler Issues

The dental scaler may encounter operational problems from time to time, and resolving these issues can be straightforward. Here is a concise guide to help you identify and address common problems without unnecessary elaboration.

1. Dental Scaler Not Working Properly:

Check Power Supply: First, ensure the power supply for the dental scaler is functioning correctly.

Examine Relay (Foot Pedal) Coil: Inspect the coil power supply for the relay (foot pedal).

Verify Relay Functionality: Ensure the relay is properly closed and connected, and check for voltage output.

Tighten Tooth Cleaning Head: If the tooth cleaning head is loose due to prolonged use, shut down the machine and use the provided wrench to tighten it.

Adjust Power Potentiometer: Check if the power adjustment potentiometer setting is too low; if so, adjust it clockwise.

Tighten Loose Knobs: If any control knobs are loose, securely tighten them.

Replace Solenoid Valve: If the solenoid valve of the dental scaler is damaged, it should be replaced.

2. Troubleshooting Scaler Issues:

a. Insufficient Vibration While Cleaning Teeth:

Steps: Ensure the following components are checked – power connection plug, power switch, and indicator light, tooth cleaning tip installation, foot pedal connection port, tooth cleaning power switch adjustment, and consider replacing the tooth cleaning handle.


b. No Water Flow After Cleaning Teeth:

Steps: Examine the scaling tip installation, adjust the water regulating valve, verify the three-way scaler interface at the chair position, and check the water vapor switch valve at the chair position.


c. Water Output Adjustment Failure:

Solution: Open the water regulating valve and adjust the internal regulating lever.

By following these concise steps, you can quickly identify and resolve common issues with your dental scaler. Proper troubleshooting will ensure the efficient functioning of your equipment.

Lingchen Dental – Easy to Dentist.

Post time: Oct-13-2023