Reasons and Solutions for Inoperative Dental Chairs

Dental chairs are the centerpiece of any dental practice, providing comfort and support for both patients and dental professionals during various procedures. However, like any sophisticated piece of equipment, dental chairs may encounter issues that render them inoperative. In this article, we will explore some common reasons why dental chairs may stop working altogether and provide practical solutions for addressing these challenges.

Reasons for Dental Chairs Not Working:

Electrical Issues:

One of the most common reasons for a dental chair not working is electrical problems. This could be due to a malfunctioning power supply, a blown fuse, or issues with the chair’s wiring.

Faulty Footswitch or Control Panel:

The footswitch and control panel are crucial components for operating the dental chair. If they are damaged, malfunctioning, or improperly connected, the chair may not respond to commands.

Hydraulic System Failure:

Dental chairs often use hydraulic systems for height adjustment and reclining functions. A failure in the hydraulic system, such as a leak or air bubble, can result in the chair not moving as intended.

Mechanical Obstructions:

Mechanical obstructions, such as debris or foreign objects, may interfere with the movement of the chair’s components. This could be within the internal tubing, joints, or moving parts.

Sensor Malfunction:

Some modern dental chairs are equipped with sensors for safety and precision. If these sensors malfunction, it may cause the chair to stop working or behave unpredictably.

Solutions to Address Inoperative Dental Chairs:

Check Power Supply:

Ensure that the dental chair is properly connected to a functioning power source. Verify that the power outlet is working, and if the chair is connected to a power strip, make sure the strip is operational.

Inspect Electrical Components:

Examine the chair’s electrical components, including the power cord, fuse, and wiring. Replace any damaged or frayed parts and check the fuse for signs of a blown fuse, replacing it if necessary.

Examine Footswitch and Control Panel:

Inspect the footswitch and control panel for any visible damage or loose connections. If there are issues, consult the manufacturer’s manual for guidance on troubleshooting or contact a professional technician.

Hydraulic System Inspection:

Check the hydraulic system for leaks, and if present, identify and repair the source. Bleed the hydraulic system to remove air bubbles, and ensure that hydraulic fluid levels are adequate.

Remove Mechanical Obstructions:

Thoroughly inspect the chair for any mechanical obstructions. Clean internal tubing, joints, and moving parts, removing any debris that may be hindering the chair’s movement.

Sensor Calibration or Replacement:

If the dental chair is equipped with sensors, consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for calibrating or replacing them. Calibration issues can often be resolved by following the specified procedures.

Professional Service and Maintenance:

If troubleshooting on your own doesn’t resolve the issue, it’s advisable to seek the assistance of a professional dental equipment service technician. They can perform a comprehensive diagnosis, identify underlying problems, and carry out necessary repairs.

Maintaining the functionality of dental chairs is essential for the smooth operation of any dental practice. Regular inspection, prompt troubleshooting, and professional maintenance can help address issues promptly and ensure that the dental chair remains in optimal condition. By understanding common reasons for dental chairs not working and implementing appropriate solutions, dental professionals can provide a comfortable and reliable experience for their patients.


Post time: Dec-01-2023